It's not totally clear to me what info you are looking for exactly.  If you 
are looking for general qualitative info, I guess I will offer that I 
believe you when you claim that the second hand tires you have bought were 
a touch undersized.  I've seen some Compass and Rene Herse tires a touch 
undersized, and some over sized, and some spot-on.  If you are asking us to 
guarantee that all RH tires for all time are always 3-5mm undersized, then 
my feedback is "No, in my experience that is not the case".  

The oversized tire I can remember was a 40.5mm Barlow Pass, nominally 
38mm.  My current Barlow Pass tires (622x38) and Bon Jon Pass tires 
(622x35) are close enough to each other that I consider them 
interchangeable, indistinguishable.  The most "spot-on" tires in my current 
stable are my Umtanum Ridge (584x55) and Switchback Hill (584x48).

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 9:34:26 PM UTC-8 Oliver Moss wrote:

> I've picked up a few different widths of RH 650b tires used and noticed 
> that they are consistently under the listed width by about 3-5mm. On the RH 
> website they list the approximate "actual" width with certain given rim 
> IDs, and I've noticed the ones I've gotten to be under.
> The two rim IDs i've used are 17mm and 21.6mm
> As an example, I'm running a set of Babyshoe Pass 42s on 17mm ID and they 
> are measuring 38mm
> None of this is really too much of a deal as they are great tires and I 
> really enjoy riding on them, but I wondered what other's have noticed in 
> terms of actual width. Of course I know it all depends on the rim and 
> tire... ect. but it was something I noticed and thought I'd ask if anyone 
> else had the same experience.
> Cheers,
> ~Oliver

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