On Apr 21, 5:15 am, Earl Grey <earlg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am about ready to order the 35 Paselas, because I have the sneaking
> suspicion that the 38 Marathon Racers are actually skinnier than the
> 35 Paselas, given that the 42 Supremes run 37.5 according to rivbike.
> If the Racers run true to size, please let me know as I may try them
> instead.

I've ridden both the 35 paselas and the 35 racers (which did run true
to size).  i recently sold the racers to a list member because I
didn't care for the ride.  the racers might be relatively more
"supple" and have better rolling resistance than other schwalbe tires,
but they still felt harsh to me compared to the pasela.   in any
event, for what you want, both tires are probably as good as it gets
at that size in 700c.  there's not too many options.

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