on 1/27/10 7:29 AM, Tim McNamara at tim...@bitstream.net wrote:

> On Jan 27, 2010, at 12:31 AM, Brad Gantt wrote:
>> I'm really enjoying reading this thread. I have gotten some great
>> ideas for things to add to my kit.
> I'm astonished by how much stuff people carry on bike rides, even
> short ones.  Back in my racing/minimalist days I'd go out for a 100
> mile ride with a tube, tire levers, Ritchey CPR tool, spoke wrench in
> a tiny seat pouch and a $10 bill.  My friend Doug has done brevets-
> without the tool and spoke wrench- and nothing added.
> Bikes are pretty reliable with a basic maintenance schedule.  I
> almost never have to fix anything other than a puncture on my bikes
> during a ride but have stopped to fix problems with other bikes
> (broken chains, in particular).

That's true, and it's been a few years since I've packed along my mini
headset wrenches on a ride.

Part of the impetus is ritual for me. If I bring the chain tool, the chain
won't break...

Part of it is to not burden the other folks in any group with my repair
issues.  A related part is to be able to assist those who are stuck.  I was
the only person on a recent fixed-gear ride to have a chain tool.  Another
time, I helped to zip-tie a broken suspension fork together well enough for
another rider to change a 13 or so mile hike back into a ride.

Part of it is the nature of the rides in these parts - you tend to ride away
from civilization reasonably quickly, and with the topography, phones don't
always get reception. At night, the ice weasels come out...

I'd rather limp home back call for a ride.  The most important thing a
bicycle can do is get you home.

- Jim

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

Your Photos are needed! - http://www.cyclofiend.com/guidelines

"Steel's what you want for a messenger bike.  Weight. Big basket up front.
Not cardboard with some crazy aramid shit wrapped around it, weighs about as
much as a sandwich."
-- William Gibson, "Virtual Light"

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