Baggage and items depend on which bike I'm riding, and where.

1. City bike: Carradice Nelson LF saddlebag.
Main compartment: Extra wool layer, rain pants and spare gloves;
lunch; spare ankle strap; 2 or 3 spare "John's Irish straps (those
things are great!), Full-size U-lock. My rain jacket will fit too but
if it's raining or just cold out I'm likely wearing it. I like having
some room left over for road finds or quick grocery errands.
Side pockets: 8/10mm combo wrench (the little one, from Park), chain
tool, Small multi-tool with allens and screwdriver; patch kit, tire
levers; Girl Scout pocket knife (the real deal, from when I was a Girl
Scout). All this goes in one side pocket in a tightly-wrapped burrito
roll along with a spare tube. In the other pocket I keep a small first
aid kit that's home-compiled and specific to my needs (including LOTS
of band-aids and baby-wipes, a tube of NeoSporin, alcohol wipes and a
tiny pair of tweezers), all wrapped up in a very large, old bandanna
that was once a road find.

Camera, calendar and notebook for work go in an old Timbuk2 messenger
bag that I wear on my shoulder. (Key to shoulder bag comfort is NOT to
overload! I treat this more like a sort of briefcase than a real
messenger bag, so loads stay fairly light). Zefal HPX pump lives on
the frame.

2. Tour/brevet/all-day bike: Burrito roll and first aid kit moved to
Acorn rear saddle bag (the smaller, paisley-shaped one that's SORT of
like a Banana bag), along with the toe straps. Vest gets worn, or
rolled tightly and tied on top of rear bag. In the front "hobo" type
bag I carry food, snacks, pen-cam and cell phone. For sunny days, the
sunglasses go here; on cold winter days it's spare gloves and -- if
it's going to be especially wet -- a dry pair of socks. It all fits.
Not as much room for road finds but that's what the Irish straps are
for. Topeak Road Morph pump bolted to underside bottle eyelets (I'm
never out long enough to really need a third bottle). For long all-day
rides in or near the city I will bring a mini U-lock; for a brevet out
in the country I'll usually leave the lock home and stay close to the


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