On Jan 26, 2010, at 16:36, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:

Dang, three tubes?! Where do you ride? I'm deep in the heart of
goathead thorn country and I've never even considered carrying more
than one.

I don't ride in thorn country, and I very seldom get more than one flat
on a ride.  HOWEVER I have seen it happen on rides that I've led that
either people mess up the tube installing it (tube under bead goes BAM)
or the replacement tube turns out to be bad or the cause of the flat
can't be found so the same flat happens again.

Then, there's that "naked" feeling as you ride having used the spare
tube.  It's not so bad if you've actually found the cause of the flat,
but sometimes you can't find it: too noisy on the road so you can't hear
the air escaping, or you know where the puncture is on the tube, but
there simply isn't anything in the tire to account for it. Riding when
that's happened takes "naked" to a whole new level.

I'd rather not be forced to use the patch kit on the road, so I have an
extra -- and if one extra is good, two are even better.

That's where we differ, I guess.
I'm sure I've fixed well over 1000 flats in the last 25 years or so, but could probably count on one hand the number of times I've replaced a tube on the road. I always prefer to patch the hole on the spot and be done with it rather than use my spare tube and have to deal with patching later. I'd probably end up with a room full of old tubes! I always carry a "virgin" tube as my spare. I have felt that "naked" feeling you describe, though and can think of a few scenarios where I'd carry two spares. Probably the same scenarios where I'd have a spare tire as well. Riv content: I buy those tiny blue "Einstein" patches from Rivendell in packs of 100!


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