This discussion seems to be turning into a forum on the present focus
of the company.  With a lot of values coming into it.

Reminds me of when I was "cold shouldered" out of some off (paved)
road riding/racing in the mid to late 1980's because I wasn't part of
the initial phenom on Mt. Tam.  2000 miles from where I live.

And how I'm starting to feel now because I don't (a) ride fixed gear
only; (b) ride brevets and try to beat everyone's time.

Seems like folks are more into exclusion than anything these days.
You'd think that after living my entire life being excluded would be
used to it.  Guess my skin ain't thick enough yet.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

On Jan 22, 7:05�pm, james black <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 17:00, Brad Gantt <> wrote:
> > Perhaps you could explain how Rivendell has drifted away from the
> > ideals stated below. There is nothing road-ish of off-road-ish about
> > them. Rivendell has always been a personal expression of "velosophy"
> > for Grant which is full of contradictions, idiosyncrasies, quirks and
> > all of the qualities you stated below. That is what drew me to
> > Rivendell and that is what makes me so happy to own one.
> Rivendell is wonderfully idiosyncratic, and that's one of the things
> we all love about them, right? (I wouldn't think anybody hostile to
> idiosyncrasy would even be on this list)
> Rivendell's emphases, styles, and identity have, however, shifted
> markedly over the last decade and a half. It makes sense that each of
> us like some of those changes and dislike others.
> James Black

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