Hi Nathan,

Thanks for the additional information!

"...Based on your description I couldn't figure out which 'pelvis
> you're referring to. Are they on the side of my upper thigh or are
> they below my stomach? Can you point me to a diagram?"

easy way to find these points is to trace the inguinal fold--the
crease in your lower abdomen which begins near your pubis (pubic bone)
and rises up and outward towards your hips.

"...I definitely feel the pain when standing
> and walking (in fact a walk more than 4-5 blocks often makes it much
> worse). I sometimes must limp while walking to mitigate the pain. I
> also feel the pain when lying down..."


"There is also the inability to, when sitting in a chair or lying on
> back, fully flex my left leg so that it points 90° from the floor. I'm
> able to do this easily with the right leg..."

These make sense (I'll write more later about this...) and fit the
picture nicely.

Keep the info coming; this is looking less & less "disc-y".


On Oct 22, 6:42 am, nathan spindel <nath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry I wasn't clear before - I definitely feel the pain when standing
> and walking (in fact a walk more than 4-5 blocks often makes it much
> worse). I sometimes must limp while walking to mitigate the pain. I
> also feel the pain when lying down.
> There is also the inability to, when sitting in a chair or lying on my
> back, fully flex my left leg so that it points 90° from the floor. I'm
> able to do this easily with the right leg.
> Based on your description I couldn't figure out which 'pelvis points'
> you're referring to. Are they on the side of my upper thigh or are
> they below my stomach? Can you point me to a diagram?
> When I lie on my back and stretch my knee like you said, I do feel
> increased aching pain in my lower buttock / upper thigh. I'm not
> currently experiencing the sciatica so I'm not sure if the stretch
> increases it or not.
> -nathan
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:47 PM, LyleBogart{AT}gmail.com
> <lylebog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Nathan,
> > Thanks for the info... Your lumbar scoliosis points to the right
> > (dextroscoliosis) and is a compensation for an upper left-pointing
> > (levoscoliosis) scoliosis. Here's my best (and briefest!) assessment:
> > With the symptoms you've described ("...a combination of sharp pains
> > in my lower left back, glute, upper thigh (front and back), groin,
> > back of the knee, and occasional shooting/tingling pain starting at my
> > lower back and ending at my knee. General sciatica symptoms... mostly
> > achey but sometimes sharp, and also occasionally tingling. It usually
> > lasts for a few hours and tends to be worse at night..."), I'm
> > inclined to think your symptoms are not, at least not entirely, caused
> > by your disc bulge.
> > The groin and front upper thigh symptoms would not be caused by a disc
> > bulge at L5-S1, but would have to come from L1-L4 if they were caused
> > by your spine directly… so we can say with certainty that that
> > component of the problem arises from other than the disc at L5-S1. If
> > I understand correctly, the onset of these symptoms was more or less
> > at the same time. That being the case, it would be curious, though not
> > impossible, for the symptoms not caused by an L5-S1 disc lesion to
> > occur at the same time as the symptoms possibly caused by the L5-S1
> > disc if in fact they were caused by the disc, unless there were some
> > sort of trauma involved (and it does not sound as though that's the
> > case). So…
> > Let's consider the scoliosis. Your upper scoliosis points to the left
> > and will have caused (typically) left rotation of the affected portion
> > of the spine causing you to develop a left-sided "rib hump" (when you
> > bend over to touch your toes, your left ribs will appear higher or
> > more prominent than your right ribs, although, because your upper
> > scoliosis is low with the apex at T12-L1, ther might not be much of a
> > rib hump at all). Conversely, your lumbar spine curves to the right
> > and so we can expect that your lumbar spine is also rotated to the
> > right. Also, the apex of the rightward curve in your lumbar spine is
> > at L4. Interestingly, the transition from apex of the upper curve to
> > the lower curve occurs over the span of just a few vertebrae (L1-L4).
> > Okay…
> > The neutral foramen are the holes through which the nerve roots pass
> > as they leave the spine. The foramen, though "holes," are not of
> > constant diameter or shape. This is because the top half of the
> > foramen is created by a semicircular notch in the vertebra "above" of
> > the nerve root, while the lower half is created by a semicircular
> > notch in the vertebra "below" the nerve root (make sense?).  The
> > diameter of the foramen increases ("opens") with spinal flexion
> > (bending forward to touch your toes or while riding a bike). The
> > foramen opens on the right and closes (diameter decreases) on the left
> > in LEFT sidebending (standing erect and sliding your left hand down
> > your left leg is a left side bend). Extreme rotation in either
> > direction can close the foramen. Now then…
> > I'm going to hazard a guess, and I look forward to your findings when
> > you do this. First, you know those points on the right and left sides
> > of your pelvis which are prominent when you lay flat on your back? I
> > suspect that, if you stand in a "natural stance" with your toes
> > against a wall or toes on a line on the floor, the point on the left
> > will be more prominent (further forward) than the point on the right,
> > even if only slightly (millimeters do matter :) ). If this is the
> > case, then the rotation (rightward) of your lumbar spine has continued
> > down through the pelvis. I will presume that this is the case, in
> > which case the following occurs: On the left, in typical weightbearing
> > activities (standing , walking, etc.) your left hip is relatively
> > externally rotated (external rotation of the hip occurs when you point
> > your toes outward by rotating your entire leg in that direction), and
> > that's okay most of the time, except that chronic external rotation of
> > the hip leads to shortening of certain muscles in the posterior hip,
> > most notably for us right now, the piriformis muscle…
> > The piriformis has a medial attachment on the front (belly side) of
> > your sacrum (the large flat bone which forms the back of your pelvis
> > and from which hangs your coccyx or tailbone), passes through your
> > pelvis and attaches to the top rear of your femur (thigh bone). This
> > muscle is a hip external rotator and overlaps a smaller muscle called
> > the superior gemellus. Passing over the superior gemellus and
> > underneath the piriformis is the sciatic nerve. If the piriformis is
> > excessively tight, the sciatic nerve can become impinged between the
> > two muscles with sciatic symptoms resulting. But you don't, if I
> > understand it correctly, have symptoms when you're up and around
> > walking and the like (correct?). That's because you're most accustomed
> > to being in that position (or even in similar positions) AND your
> > pelvis is not "fixed"--it can rotate left and right and can tip
> > laterally as well as front and back as needed.
> > However, sit on a bike seat and now the pelvis is fixed and has much
> > less freedom for rotation. Also, if your left knee and foot are going
> > to point more or less straight ahead while riding, your hip now must
> > be internally rotated (given the fixed pelvis), which places the
> > (shortened due to chronic external hip rotation) piriformis muscle on
> > stretch which may compromise he sciatic nerve causing sciatica pain
> > and symptoms. You can easily test if the piriformis is involved: lay
> > on your back, ideally with both legs straight. Using both hands, pull
> > your left knee up and across toward your opposite shoulder. Is there a
> > very strong, possibly painful, pulling sensation in your left buttock?
> > Does this worsen the sciatica? If so, then you have both the culprit
> > and a remedy!
> > Here then are the suspects: closed neural foramen (hence, nerve
> > impingement/irritation) on the left at the vertebral levels which can
> > account for the groin and anterior thigh symptoms coupled with what is
> > known as piriformis syndrome on the left, as described just above.
> > Okay… it's late here and I need to get to bed… let me know if your
> > pelvis is also rotated (standing with toes against a wall or on a line
> > on the floor); let me know, too, the results of testing your
> > piriformis (pulling the left knee up and across to the opposite
> > shoulder). I'll offer a few suggestions on how to fix the problem,
> > what the future may look a bit like given the scoliosis, and, if the
> > piriformis and/or pelvis appear not to be the culprits, I'll offer one
> > more non-disc possible explanation for your symptoms. There's a lot of
> > information here, so don't be shy about it if it doesn't all make
> > sense :)
> > G'night!
> > lyle
> > On Oct 21, 7:45 pm, nathan spindel <nath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Sorry, here's more on the scoliosis and I may have the 'point' flipped:
> >> "There is a levoconvex thoracolumbar curvature with the apex at
> >> T12-L1, and a compensatory dextroconvex lumbar curvature with its apex
> >> at L4."
> >> -nathan
> >> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:36 PM, nathan spindel <nath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > I don't have that information on hand, but my scoliosis 'points' to my
> >> > left side and as far as I know I don't have another up my spine.
> >> > What is your suspicion?
> >> > -nathan
> >> > On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:05 PM, LyleBogart{AT}gmail.com
> >> > <lylebog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> Thanks for the info, Nathan!
> >> >> Which side does the disc bulge toward. Also your scoliosis adds an
> >> >> interesting twist (no pun intended) on things. To which direction does
> >> >> your lumbar scoliosis point? Also, do you have another scoliosis
> >> >> further up your spine for which your lumbar scoliosis is compensating?
> >> >> Based on the information you've provided so far, I suspect there's
> >> >> another cause of the back pain other than the disc bulge, but I'll
> >> >> reserve comment until I hear back from you.
> >> >> Very interesting :)
> >> >> lyle
> >> >> On Oct 21, 6:57 pm, nathan spindel <nath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >>> Thanks for the followup, Lyle.
> >> >>> I'm 25 and have had lower-back scoliosis (currently at 24°) since I
> >> >>> was a teen. In late July I started noticing a combination of sharp
> >> >>> pains in my lower left back, glute, upper thigh (front and back),
> >> >>> groin, back of the knee, and occasional shooting/tingling pain
> >> >>> starting at my lower back and ending at my knee. General sciatica
> >> >>> symptoms. Over the past couple months the pain has waxed and waned,
> >> >>> with a few days of exceptionally bad pain (an increased amount of the
> >> >>> above) every couple weeks. The pain is mostly achey but sometimes
> >> >>> sharp,
> ...
> read more »
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