On Oct 20, 2009, at 6:13 PM, J L wrote:

> I have a curious situation.  I can't seem to get clipless shoes  
> (neither shimano spd nor keen clipless sandals) to work with my  
> road standard.  Would the geometry have this great an effect in  
> combination with snapping in?

I can think of no reason that the frame geometry would have the  
slightest effect on being able to engage or disengage the cleats.

> clipless for a short ride = ankle tenderness inside of leg, usually  
> one, but sometimes both legs.
> same bike, just pedals switched to road pedals and toe clips, same  
> ride = no pain.
> I think this pain/tenderness is caused by the restriction of motion  
> that these pedals have - I am somehow repeating the same movement  
> over and over which leads to an overworked tendon.  My question is:  
> how to a probelm solve and find a solution?  I want to ride  
> clipless, there really isn't any reason it shouldn't work with this  
> setup. I rode before with the same pedals and shoes on other bikes,  
> no probelms.
> Would it be the frame?

Extremely unlikely.  The only thing I can think of here is if the  
frame has been bent so that the bottom bracket is not perpendicular  
to the plane of the bike.

> What else should I check?
> I did some testing and the strain happens when my heel is moved  
> outward away from the bike creating a "pidgeon toed" riding  
> stance.  Could changing the cleat angle help this out?

Maybe.  It'd be quick and easy to rule out.

Is the Q factor of the crank much different than the Q factor of the  
other cranks you have used with these shoes and pedals?  If the  
cranks are much narrower, that might strain the ligaments on the  
medial aspect of your ankle(s) a bit.  Some folks need a wider Q  
factor than others.

Or you might need a shim under the inside or outside of the cleat to  
lift the shoe and correct a problem with pronation or supination.

Are these shoes perhaps quite old and knackered?  Are the cleats new,  
or have they been moved from when you've previously used them?

Might be reasonable to get a professional fitting using a Fit Kit, if  
that's available in your area.

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