We had an all paved ride in San Diego in August, but didn't fare any better
in terms of gender balance. Maybe we just need a different way of promoting
these things? 

What's not to like about a bunch of guys wearing sweaty wool?


> From: Aaron Thomas <aaron.a.tho...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 11:58:35 -0700 (PDT)
> To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [RBW] Re: Dearth of female riders in SoCal was: The myth of the
> all-rounder.
> For what it's worth, I invited two women friends out for Sunday's
> ride . One, who doesn't have an off-road appropriate bike (or even a
> BOBish bike), said she'd be up for riding, but could naturally only do
> paved rides on her modern, tight clearance rig. The other, who has a
> cross bike, was basically down for it, but had other commitments.
> I wouldn't want to rule out off-road routes for future SoCal Riv
> Rides, but perhaps throwing some all-paved rides into the mix would
> attract women (and others) who don't have off-road capable road bikes
> or who may feel unsure about their off-roading skill set on technical
> mountain runs.
> A
> On Sep 8, 5:36 pm, David Estes <cyclotour...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Speaking of women riders, what's the deal with the SoCal Rivendell
>> Appreciation Society Sausage-fest?   I see LOTS of women riding bikes
>> everywhere, but lugged steel on dirt roads does not seem to attract them.
>> One woman for 1/3 of one ride does not satisfy Title IX.
>> DE
>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:31 PM, David Estes <cyclotour...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Uhmmm, Lesli, now is the time to chime in...
>>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Dave Craig <dcr...@prescott.edu> wrote:
>>>> I wonder what we'd find if this question were answered by women. None
>>>> have responded thusfar to this thread. ARE there any female members of
>>>> this group??
>>>> <cut>
>>>> As I consider my female bicycling buddies, students and acquaintences,
>>>> I realize that none of them have more than two bikes and that most
>>>> have just one.
>>>> Do women think the all-rounder is a myth?  I have to wonder whether
>>>> they even care.
>>>> DC
>>>> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> Redlands, CA
>> "Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There is something
>> wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym."  ~Bill Nye,
>> scientist guy
> > 

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