I had the same problem with an aluminum post stuck in a steel Bianchi
Volpe frame.  I tried all matter of twisting, tapping, penetrating,
etc.  I finally pulled the bottom bracket and turned the bike upside
down.  Ran about 2 or 3 cups of ammonia down the seat tube and let it
sit overnight, did the same again the next day.  On the third day I
was able to work it out of the frame.  The post was ruined but my
frame was still intact.
Ammonia works well when it’s a chemical bond between steel and
aluminum.  From what I’ve read the penetrating oil won’t really help
in this situation.

On Jun 24, 5:20 am, Robert Linthicum <linthi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks very much for the suggestions.  I particularly like the advice
> to wait a while & let the penetrant do its thing, because that is what
> I'm doing now.  I have the bike in my living room to remind myself to
> drip a little more liquid wrench in every day, and to give the
> seatpost a daily nudge or two for encouragement. I have been riding
> with the seatpost bolt completely removed, and I spread the seatpost
> bolt collar a bit with a flat-blade screwdriver. I went out for a ride
> and took care to put as much of my weight on the saddle as possible,
> but no luck.
> Since, as I mentioned, the thing is at the correct height, I've got
> some time.  My main concern about this situation is that my sons won't
> be able to ride the bike, when they are big enough, and they are gonzo
> cyclists.
> I am taking the Zen approach, for the moment.  I will prevail.
> Best regards,
> Bob
> On Jun 23, 10:16 am, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
> <thill....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm with Bill C. Let it soak in a few applications of penetrating oil
> > for a few days or a few weeks. It would probably be foolish to destroy
> > the seatpost, since it's at the correct height.
> > On Jun 23, 5:23 am, Bob <linthi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > My daily rider, a vintage steel Trek, is now afflicted. This is
> > > embarrassing, because I remember pulling the post about two years ago
> > > and slathering it with Phil Wood grease and Park Anti-Seize.  Oh well.
> > > Thus far, I have tried removing the saddle and tapping with a mallet
> > > and wooden block; heating with a hair dryer after dripping Liquid
> > > Wrench and other penetrants from all sides; and just about every
> > > technique Sheldon recommended on his site.
> > > I am trying not do do something so rash that I damage any equipment.
> > > Luckily, the seat height is just about right, but I just can't sleep
> > > knowing one of my rides has a frozen 'post.
> > > Word to the wise:  Pull your post occasionally, because you can . . .
> > > Peace,
> > > Bob

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