For the Ram, I never could like the way any tire larger than 28 rides.
For me, putting large tires on the Ram takes out the lively feel, the
crisp cornering at 45mph, and it feels too squishy when climbing.

I've been running Conti 25's or 28's on the Ram for a long time now,
and that seems to be the sweet spot for that bike if speed is a
concern. And, fenders fit when winter rolls 'round in California.

On the other hand, the squishy-n-fast 42mm Hetres on the Saluki are
where my fat road tire love lies. I rode a century on that bike this
weekend, and it was my fastest time on this particular course, ever.
By quite a margin.

 Gino '25's and Dura Ace STI on my Ram' Z.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Mike<> wrote:
> I've put JBs on my Rambouillet and Panaracer T-Serves (black Paselas)
> 35s on my AHH. Both bikes seem a little better for it. Still, I'll
> probably go back to Pasela 32s on the Rambouillet at some point.
> Here's the Rambouillet:
> And the Hilsen:
> I've since put fenders back on the Hilsen and will eventually put the
> T-serves on my commuter and the commuter's Paselas on the Hilsen.
> I agree with James about liking tan sidewalls even if my get so
> covered with crude from the rain they no longer look tan.
> --mike

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