What stands out for me regarding Bruce's bike is the fact that that Ram blue 
always seemed kind of weird to me, but now with the right black accessories, it 
really pops. 

It's interesting: the AHH blue looks really good when the trim is honey but not 
as much for the Ram blue. The AHH blue would probably also look good set up 
like Bruce's bike though.

-----Original Message-----
>From: relistan <relis...@gmail.com>
>Sent: Jun 23, 2009 7:58 AM
>To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
>Subject: [RBW] Re: A slight change in style
>Those beefy tires look good on there.  Haven't seen those on a
>Rambouillet before.  Looks like a great ride!
>On Jun 22, 4:47 pm, Bruce <fullylug...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Inspired by all the great new build pics, I tweaked the boo yay last night. 
>> Stripped off the interrupter brake handles (gives more room on the size 42 
>> bars) and replaced the brake cables and housings of course. (Only 1 cable of 
>> the original factory set was rusting, but I replaced both with nice NOS 
>> Suntour stuff.) Had to unwrap the bars to do it, so the re wrap is with some 
>> Brooks black tape bought on sale a while ago and waiting for the oppty to 
>> arise. The factory wheelset is now in the attic, and these are Velocity 
>> Aeroheat / Phil wheels running 37 mm all black Paselas.  I finished it off 
>> with a just received (from the May 1 order window opening) Acorn tri-fold. 
>> (I like the bag btw) Presented for your possible interest....
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/9535...@n07/3652390292/in/photostream/

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