Just curious:  Since you have both, what are the differences between the Ram
& the Atlantis?  

I have an Atlantis that I purchased primarily for touring, so did not
consider component weights at build time.  It's a pretty standard Riv build;
lots of MTB stuff (crank, hubs, brakes) on 700 wheels.  

It's a great bike but admittedly a lot of work to keep up with the racy
types (as racy as bunch of retired geezers can be, anyway).  I'm curious to
hear your comparison.


-----Original Message-----
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of usuk2007
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 6:43 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Subject: [RBW] Is the Ram the closest thing to perfect bike? I think so.

I'm a bit perplexed with the drift of Riv away from the "lighter" end
of the frame spectrum. The current frames and new ones just on the
horizon look exciting, but there's a big void where the Ram was once.
I have an Atlantis and love it, but the Ram is by far my favourite
bike; fast enough to feel as if I'm a strong cyclist, versatile enough
to go touring with lightweight gear, and even do some off road with
32mm tyres. I think the Ram hits the sweet spot between speed,
handling and strength. I haven't ridden an AHH, but somehow if just
looks less fun than the Ram, so I'm waiting for Rivendell to bring
back the road/sport touring bike.

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