on 11/22/08 7:52 AM, Rick at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Might Master Hillborne resemble this?
> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bonius.com/gallery2/d/2585-2/bom
> ba650b.JPG&imgrefurl=http://bonius.com/blog/2007/03/02/not-all-those-who-wande
> r-are-lost/&usg=__8MTng74Pe5DmvGxf46Ngn_gP330=&h=205&w=320&sz=13&hl=en&start=3
> &sig2=Lso5Yue2UtKwEnz_1YBkIw&um=1&tbnid=XbKgvnYQ8Kl6tM:&tbnh=76&tbnw=118&ei=Oi
> ooSYL9Hpqw8QSV0JX2Ag&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbombadil%2Brivendell%26um%3D1%26hl%3De
> n%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26sa%3DG

tinyurl version:

That's the first press release photo of the Bombadil, which appeared (among
other places) in this Dirt Rag article:


- J
Jim Edgar

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"I had to ride slow because I was taking my guerrilla route, the one I
follow when I assume that everyone in a car is out to get me."
-- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"

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