On Sep 17, 2008, at 7:18 AM, Frederick, Steve wrote:

> on 9/16/08 5:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Interesting article by someone who replaced the fork on their  
>> Atlantis
>> to eliminate the "shimmies".
>> http://readytoride.biz/?p=333
> Shimmy can be caused by a lot of stuff--it may be that the headset  
> reinstall/adjustment when installing the new fork was enough to  
> cure it.

Shimmy is a complex phenomenon and conditions have to be right for it  
to occur.  Usually unweighting the saddle a bit will stop a shimmy  
instantly.  Shimmy can be initiated by the rider (we all have a  
natural slight tremor, well known to photographers working in low  
light with long exposure times, which is amplified when we grip the  
bars harder or are cold), hitting a bump, some aspect of the bike, or  
by reaching a critical speed (this is usually when riding no-handed).

> Grant builds Rivs the way he likes bikes and he likes rear  
> loaders.  If you don't like rear loaders don't buy a Riv!  (they  
> ain't "flawed"-that's the way they're s'posed to be)

My 1996 All-Rounder has never shimmied that I can ever remember, and  
I have a handlebar bag and Nitto mini-rack on that bike and no rear  
load.  It's pretty similar to the Altantis, so I was surprised to  
read this article.  My best estimate is that trail on the A/R is  
about 55 mm.

I think that too many people take what Grant writes and what Jan  
Heine writes as some kind of cycling gospel.  I see this unquestioned  
acceptance coming up in all sorts of forums.

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