On Thu, 03 Jul 2008 06:47:45 +0900, Jason Haar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> FYI it looks like Mike Tedder is correct - there is a bug that is
> affecting Message-ID parsing in Qmail-Scanner 2.0[34]
> I am in the final testing phase of 2.05 which will fix the problem. It
> should be released next week. It will be the only change

Sorry, things have been very hectic around here lately...

Shortly after I tested 2.03, I noticed the Message-ID was being stripped
again, and quickly went back to 2.02 as I was too busy to look into the
problem at that time.  Apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

I'm willing to test 2.05 to see if the problem is indeed fixed.  I checked
SourceForge for the latest code, but there doesn't seem to be any CVS or
SVN repository.  :)  Just let me know where to grab it from, or you can
send it as an attachment directly to my address.


- breakpoint / brainstorm

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