At 19:57 +0900 19-06-2008, Mike Tedder wrote:
>On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 19:23:46 +0900, Salvatore Toribio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>  At 17:39 +0900 19-06-2008, Mike Tedder wrote:
>>>  Hello all,
>>>  I recently performed an update installation of SpamAssassin-3.2.4 and
>>>  qmail-scanner 1.24 to their latest versions -- 3.2.5 and 2.04 --
>>>  respectively.  After doing the update, I noticed that for most of my
>>>  mails (not all of them) now have their Message-IDs removed, and
>>>  SpamAssassin is tagging them with MISSING_MID.
>>  Hi
>>  I have also noticed it, when Jason released 2.04 I started to look after 
>>  the Message-Id thing although I have seen it before in my logs. But I 
>>  think that it is an SpamAssasin issue with 'Message-Id' and 
>>  'Message-ID'. I have started tracking it but I haven't much time by now, 
>>  anyway the score is '0.0' so don't be so worry about it.
>Well, that's good news that I'm not the only one with this problem.
>Unfortunately, having the Message-ID stripped from the header causes
>my mail client to not be able to display mails in a threaded view anymore,
>because the "In-Reply-To" references a mail with no Message-ID.  Hence
>the reason I'd like this fixed soon.  :)
>You mentioned you noticed it when Jason released 2.04.  What previous
>version of qmail-scanner were you using before 2.04?  And what version of
>SpamAssassin are you using?
>I will start to go over diffs with previous versions of qmail-scanner
>and 2.04 to maybe see if I can spot something...
>- breakpoint / brainstorm

Well, you have give me a hint.. I was using qs-2.02st, SA-3.2.4 and I 
haven't seen the issue but I didn't pay atention to it before the 
release of 2.04.

But in qs-2.02st the sa_alt routine had a different way of passing 
the message to SA, now in 2.04st the message is passed to SA in the 
same way of the official versio, just to use the Message-Id feature 
as in the official version... But I think that this needs to be 
reviewed... I don't now when I could do it...

Maybe you can install 2.02st and enabled 'sa_alt'



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