On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Mark Powell wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Jason Haar wrote:
> > Well that doesn't make sense. Qmail-Scanner doesn't give a monkeys about the
> > exit status of a message that is piped through SA - unlike AV, Q-S will
> > carry on delivering a message that fails in any way, shape, or form under SA.

There is no difference in error code returned by spamc on a message over
250K i.e.

# mkfile 249k small
# mkfile 251k large
# spamc -c < small

real    0m0.628s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.005s
# echo $?
# spamc -c < large

real    0m0.004s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.004s
# echo $?

The only differences when the email is over 250k is that spamc returns
instantly without contacting spamd so there's a possibility for some sort
of timing error in QS. This seems very unlikely though.
  The other difference is the format of the returned results. Possibly QS
has a bug in handling that. That is strange though as 1.22 has no problems
with the same spamc.

> Yeah it seems very strange. Spamc just outputs "0/0" when the file is too
> big. You'd think nothing could go wrong there, but I've located the
> problem down to just that. Use the 1.22 QS.pl and it's fine move the 1.23
> QS.pl back in and it fails on large spam checked emails.
> > Are you running a patched version or something?
> It's perl 5.8.5, SpamAssassin 2.64. Nothing is patched. 1.22 works with
> the same perl and SA that 1.23 has problems with.
> > That problem certainly doesn't exist for me, and I would have thought
> > others would have reported problems by now if it was a general
> > problem...
> Yeah, it's very strange. I've never had problems with QS before. It's
> always been so easy to get a new version running. I just can't see why
> it's doing this. The logs just stop at the SA line and that's it. Spamd is
> not contacted at all.
>   Cheers.

Mark Powell - UNIX System Administrator - The University of Salford
Information Services Division, Clifford Whitworth Building,
Salford University, Manchester, M5 4WT, UK.
Tel: +44 161 295 4837  Fax: +44 161 295 5888  www.pgp.com for PGP key

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