Hello list,

        I just subscribed to submit something which I consider to be usefull.

        Based on the link at:

I created a quarantine-attachments.txt file, attached to this message, which implements the respective filters for bogus antivirus spam.

We all know what AV spam is, a good article which many have already read is at:

The file has been tested, but please consider it Beta quality and if you find it usefull please improve it and let me know of any bugs/modifications.

        A world without spam is better.

PS: the file contains some nice extension-based blocking rules.

Yours Sincerely,
Alin-Adrian Anton
Spintech Systems
GPG keyID 0x1E2FFF2E (2963 0C11 1AF1 96F6 0030 6EE9 D323 639D 1E2F FF2E)
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1E2FFF2E
#       Based on http://std.dkuug.dk/keld/virus/header_checks
#       by Anton Alin-Adrian (aanton [/at] spintech.ro)
# Sample of well-known viruses that perlscan_scanner can use
# This is case-insensitive, and TAB-delimited. 
# ******
# REMEMBER: run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl -g after 
# this file is modified
# ******
# Format: three columns
# filename<TAB>size (in bytes)<TAB>Description of virus/whatever
# OR:
# string<TAB>Header<TAB>Description of virus/whatever
# [this one allows you to match on (e.g.) Subject line.
# NOTE 1: This is the crudest "virus scanning" you can do - we are
# arbitrarily deciding that particular filenames of certain sizes contain
# viruses - when they may not. However this can be useful for the times
# when a new virus is discovered and your scanner cannot detect it (yet).
# NOTE 2: This is only good for picking up stand-alone viruses like the
# following. Macro viruses are impossible to detect with this method as
# they infect users docs.
# NOTE 3: Wildcards are supported. This system can also be used to deny
# Email containing "bad" extensions (e.g. .exe, .mp3, etc). No other
# wildcard type is supported. Be very careful with this feature. With 
# wildcards, the size field is ignored (i.e. any size matches).
# .exe  0       Executable attachment too large
# That would ban .EXE files from your site (but would
# still allow .zip files...
# .mp3  0       MP3 attachments disallowed
# ...would stop any Email containing MP3 attachments passing.
# NOTE 4: No you can't use  this to ban any file (i.e. *.*) that's over 
# a certain size  - you should 
# "echo 10000000 > /var/qmail/control/databytes" 
# to set the maximum SMTP message size to 10Mb.
# NOTE 5: The second option allows you to match on header. This would allow 
# you to block Email viruses when you don't know anything else other than 
# there's a wierd Subject line (or From line, or X-Spanska: header, ...). 
# Note that it's a case-sensitive, REGEX string, and the system will 
# automatically surround it with ^ and $ before matching. i.e. if you 
# want wildcards, explicitly put them in...
# The string _must_be_ "Virus-" followed by the header you wish to match
# on - followed by a colon (:).
# e.g.
# Pickles.*Breakfast    Virus-Subject:  Fake Example Pickles virus
# will match "Subject: Pickles for Breakfast" - and 
# not "Subject: Pickles - where did you go?"
# NOTE 6: Similar to the headers option, you can match on the mail ENVELOPE
# headers - i.e. "MAIL FROM:" and "RCPT TO:". These are identical to
# Virus-<header>, except that the header names are MAILFROM and RCPTTO only.
# e.g.
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Virus-MAILFROM: Bad mail envelope not allowed here!
# NOTE 7: Another "faked" header - "Virus-TCPREMOTEIP" can be used to match
# actions against the IP address of the SMTP client.

EICAR.COM               69      EICAR Test Virus
Happy99.exe             10000   Happy99 Trojan
zipped_files.exe        120495  W32/ExploreZip.worm.pak virus
ILOVEME         Virus-Subject:  Love Letter Virus/Trojan

# added by Anton Alin-Adrian to kill bogus antivirus spam messages

.*virus alert.*                         Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus infection notice.*              Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Incidencia de virus.*                 Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus - Sujet :.*                     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus funnet i sendt melding ".*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*A virus was detected.*                Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus found in received message.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus in mail from you.*              Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Alerta: Suspeita de virus no E-mail.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found.*                         Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus gefunden.*                      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Notice: Your mail has been blocked due to a violation.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Symantec AV.*detected a virus in a document you authored.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Symantec AntiVirus.*Filtering for Domino detected a virus in a document you.*        
 Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Skynet Mail Protection scan results.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Aviso: Detectado v.*rus de e-mail.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*NOTIFICATION: Virus stopped.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virusfertozesi ertesites.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WARNING: YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in message.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Unsolicited commercial email rejected.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Invalid content in mail message (message rejected).*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus trovato in un messaggio inviato.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WIRUS w Twoim mailu !.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS EN SU CORREO.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL TO .*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*To Sender virus found and action taken.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Message Stopped ---- Virus Detected ----.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Wichtiger Hinweis: Virus entdeckt.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*File was infected with a virus.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Devolto polo filtro antivirus por:  warning.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Your email message was blocked because: Block email in with Dangerous file 
Attachments.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Aviso: Detectado v.*rus no e-mail.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\! PELIGRO \! - Virus encontrado en el correo .*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Suspicious Attachment.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*tipo de arquivo anexo proibido encontrado em mensagem enviada.*       Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*In einer E-Mail wurde ein Virus gefunden .*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*problem funni.*sendum bo.*um..*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS.*PROBLEM IN IHRER MAIL.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Tipo de arquivo anexo nao permitido! encontrado em mensagem enviad.*  Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*returned due to virus or too large or too many attachment.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*VIRUS NO SEU E-MAIL PARA.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Znaleziono wirusa w Twojej wiadomosci.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned due to virus\:.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*RAV AntiVirus scan results.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALANET ANTIVIRUS ALERTA - VIRUS EM SEU EMAIL.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus v dokumente Vami odoslanom.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus in verschickter Nachricht gefunden.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERTE - Vous avez envoye un mail avec virus.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ENCONTRADO VIRUS EM SEU EMAIL.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus v dokumente Vami odoslanom.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Norton AntiVirus detected a virus in a message you sent.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Email-ul Dvs contine un Virus \!.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Proxy.* notification.*Virus found in a message.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Vexira Antivirus.*your mail\:.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Detectad.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Non remis \:.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS RE\:.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ON VIRUST KULDOTT\!.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS EM EMAIL PARA VOCE.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus encontrado na mensagem enviada.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Ochrona antywirusowa.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned mail\: Possible Virus Infection.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus incident.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus figyelmeztetes.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Undeliverable\: An email for you contains VIRUSES.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Ecartis command results\: -- Binary.*unsupported file stripped by Ecartis --.*       
 Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Advarsel.*Din e-mail indeholder virus.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*An email for you contains VIRUSES.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Your mail server sent us a virus.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Illegal attachment type found in sent message.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Nie dostarczono poczty e-mail.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Infection Alert\!.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*InterScan NT Alert.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*SENDER\! Virus found in message from you\!.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned mail: Executable attachment blocked.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*BANNED FILENAME IN MAIL TO YOU.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Message Delivery Failure - due to attachments.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WARNING\! Virus detected.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virusveszely\! Virus warning\!.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*VIRUS NO SEU EMAIL \!\!\!.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning Possible Virus Alert \!\!\!.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WARNING\: The message contains a virus\!.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Norton AntiVirus detected and quarantined a virus in a message yo.*   Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Possible Virus Found in E-Mail.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Aviso de correo.universia.net - Virus encontrado.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Trovato virus nel messaggio.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*W Twojej wiadomosci znaleziono wirusa!.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned due to virus; was\:.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\{Virus\!\}.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\{Virus?\}.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Znaleziono wirusa w Twojej wiadomosci.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERT\: A virus was found on an e-mail sent by you.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WIRUS W TWOJEJ POCZCIE.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*"Returned due to virus; was\:".*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*NAV detected a virus in a document you authored.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Anti-Virus detected a violation in a document you authored.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*-Danger \: Virus Trouv.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in your message Mail Transaction Failed.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned mail: Unacceptable content.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Filter scan result notification from gateway.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*SENDER \! Virus found in message from you !.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning: message cannot be accepted, message rejected.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*VIRUS in your message.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Binnenkomend virus gedetecteerd.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Binnenkomend bestandstype niet toegestaan.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Znaleziono WIRUSa w liscie od Ciebie !.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Mail refused because of attachment.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ATTENZIONE: Ricevuto VIRUS da.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS NO SEU MAIL PARA.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Upozornenie: E-mail virus zisteny.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*You sent an email that had a virus in it.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS ENCONTRADO EN SU CORREO.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*AVISO DE VIRUS.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS WARNING.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus detected in: MAIL TRANSACTION FAILED.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Sender Note - Inbound Virus Quarantined.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*!!! Achtung Virus !!!.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Quarantined Mail: attachment from.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Attachment Blocking.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Attachment block message notification.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Your message was discarded.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus znaleziono w wyslanej wiadomosci.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus d.*tect.* dans le message.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*In het door u gestuurde bericht is een virus aangetroffen!!.* Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Unallowed attachment in e-mail to.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Atenci.*n: Virus detectado en e-mail.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERT: You may have sent a Virus.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Serveur de messagerie - Virus d.*tect.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS POSLAN SA VASE ADRESE.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS SENT FROM YOUR ADDRESS.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WARNING-Virus Detected.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Non delivery report: 5.9.5 (Blocked attachment).*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virenchecker Information.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning: A possible virus has been detected in one of your messages.* Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*MailMarshal a detectado un Virus en su mensaje.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*You sent potentially unsafe content:.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Security Alert - ScanMail for Lotus Notes.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*SAV detected a violation in a document you authored.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUSDELETED;.*       Virus-X-Mirapoint-Virus:        bogus antivirus
.*smtp;552 we don't accept email with executable content.*      Virus-Diagnostic-code: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Magic OnLine.* Suppression du Virus:.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Tipo de archivo adjunto no permitido encontrado en el mensaje enviado.*       
Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*W wiadomosci wyslanej przez Ciebie wykryto WIRUSA.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec Mail Security detected a repairable.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec Mail Security detected that you sent a message containing an executable 
file.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec AVF detected an unrepairable virus in a message you sent.*   Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Symantec Mail Security detected .* unrepairable virus.* in a message you sent.*      
 Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec AVF detected a .* virus in a message you sent.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Virus Found in message.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning - Virus detected in email.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus found in sent message.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Quarantine Notification.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MIMEDefang Notification.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus 
.*SAV ha rilevato un virus in un documento spedito da.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus or Forbidden File Type Warning.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MailMarshal has detected a Virus in your message.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\[Virus detected\].*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*InterScan MSS has deleted a message.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\[ Alerte Virus \] Vous avez envoy.* un virus !.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*You sent an e-mail with a virus, vet couldn't remove the virus.*      Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*your e-mail was infected by a virus.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*BitDefender found an infected object.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Illegal attachment type trouve dans le message envoye.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Inflex scan report.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*AntiVir ALERT.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*InoculateIT detected the .* virus in Mailbox.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Antigen Notification:Antigen found FILE FILTER.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\[Magic OnLine\] Suppression du Virus:.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Anexos Removidos.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*To Sender file blocking settings matched and action taken.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*File Type Attachment Discarded.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned due to virus; was:.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Antigen found FILE FILTER=.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Wykryto wirusa w Twoim mailu!:.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Failed mail: message contains virus infected file.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning: antivirus system repor.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ATENCION. Usted ha enviado un mail posiblemente infectado.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*MDaemon Warning - Virus Found.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Disallowed attachment type.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Uwaga: Wykryto wirusa w poczcie.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Uwaga wirus w wiadomosci od.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Uwaga: prawdopodobny wirus lub robak.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Mail rejected: A Virus was detected in the message.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*NAV a d.*tect.* un virus dans un document dont vous .*tes l'auteur..* Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Mail rejected: A Virus was detected in the message..* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned due to virus:.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS in Ihrer Mail an .* - VIRUS in your mail to.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MailMonitor for Exchange has processed a suspicious mail.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Virenchecker Information.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned due to Virus!!! Read the attachment for detail.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Mahdollinen virushuomautus!.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*The .* antivirus system found VIRUS=.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*E-mail not delivered -- content violation.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found! Spam.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*- Message infect.* Infected E-mail - Sujet .* Subject :.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*You have sent a virus !.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ScanMail Message: To Sender, action taken by attachment blocking.*    Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Virus intercepted.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Wyniki skanowania systemu antywirusowego.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*File blocked - ScanMail for Lotus Notes -->.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in message to you!.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS VE VASI ZPRAVE pro.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec AntiVirus detected a virus in a document you authored.*      Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*EDP SONDRIO detected a virus in a message you sent. The infected attachment was 
deleted..*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*To Sender file blocking settings matched and action was taken.*       Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*TFS Virus Alert: Re:.* DISCARD Virus detection mail.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*returned due to virus or too large or too many attachment.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*ATTENTION: A message you sent was found to contain a VIRUS and has been deleted.*    
 Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Suppression du Virus: Mail Delivery.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*The Eastman Kodak Anti-virus software deleted the infected attachment.*       
Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*LA POSTA CHE INVII E' INFETTA DA VIRUS.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Atenci.*n : Virus de e-mail detectado.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*BENACHRICHTIGUNG ZUR MAIL ZUSTELLUNG.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERT: Message from .* was purged; Detected worm:.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus gefunden in Nachricht.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Rejected Message from SONACA Policy.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Filtering - ESC Filtering System detected a violation in a document you authored.*   
 Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Your sent mail had a virus!.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec Mail Security detected that you sent a message containing prohibited 
content.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*CONTAINS A VIRUS.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Attachments not Delivered by MailScan!.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus d.*tect.* dans le message.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Sophos.*wirusa. Virus detected.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Wirus w poczcie od Ciebie.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Az .*n .*ltal k.*ld.*tt lev.*lben v.*rus volt, mely ki lett t.*r.*lve..*      
Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*DDAntivirusSystem - Detected a virus in a message addressed to you.*  Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Virus num mail enviado por si.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WatchDog.* Virus or error detected.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus trouve dans le message envoye.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Your message was filtered.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\*\*\* VIRUS ALERT \*\*\*.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Attachment removed.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WIRUS W TWOJEJE POCZCIE.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Warning.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ScanMail Message: To Sender, virus found and action taken.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Virus found in message from you.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus no seu email.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Illegal attachment type encontrado em mensagem enviada.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Piece jointe supprimee.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERTE: pi.*ces jointes suspectes.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Seu.*your email tinha.*have virus.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Network Associates Webshield - e-mail Content Alert.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*W Twojej wiadomosci znaleziono wirusa!.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in your message!.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*To Sender virus found and action taken.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*---- Virus Detected ----.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus detected.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Alert.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*InterScan NT Alert.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in the message.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Message quarantined.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS ALERT!.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in e-mail.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MDaemon Warning - Virus Found.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning: E-mail viruses detected.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ScanMail Message: To Sender virus found.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Norton Anti.*Virus detected.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS .*IN YOUR MAIL.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Antigen found VIRUS.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Filter incident.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*V.*rus figyelmeztet.*s! Virus warning!.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec AVF detected.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Returned due to virus;.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Anti-Virus Notification.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*BANNED FILENAME .*IN MAIL FROM YOU.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*File blocked - ScanMail for Lotus.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*NAV detected a virus.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*RAV AntiVirus scan.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS .+ IN MAIL FROM YOU.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Notification:.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in a message you sent.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus found in sent message.*Net Integrator Virus Alert       Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*VIRUS EN SU CORREO.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning: antivirus system report.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Information - Antivirus.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Symantec AntiVirus detected a violation.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WARNING: YOU WERE SENT A VIRUS.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*SAV detected a violation in a document.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MailMarshal has detected a suspect attachment.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*A virus was detected in your mail.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Recipient Virus-alert.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Found in message.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*E-.*mail viruses detected.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Undelivered mail: VIRUS FOUND.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Quarantined Mail: virus from.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Attenzione Virus.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*To Sender virus found.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus in verschickter Nachricht gefunden.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MailMarshal has detected a Virus in your message.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus encontrado en el mensaje enviado.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Security Alert - ScanMail for Lotus Notes.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Infection Alert.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning - Virus Detected:.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Skynet Mail Protection scan results.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virusveszely! Virus warning!.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus in mail from you.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus infection notice.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Possible virus found in message you sent.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*AntiVir ALERT.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Centrale Anti-Virus melding.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Vexira ALERT.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*You sent potentially unsafe content.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Hov, du har sendt Jubii en virus !!!.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*message from .*virus detect system.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Net Integrator Virus Alert.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Information - Antivirus.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*AntiVirus Alert!.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\{ALERTA DE VIRUS\}.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus in una mail per lei.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*AntiVirus scan results.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERTE .*- Vous avez envoye un mail avec virus.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERTE.*: un virus a.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ALERT.*! Virus found in your mail.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Anti-Virus Notification.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Antigen Notification.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Antigen found VIRUS.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Antivirus stopped your message.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Email Quarantined Due to Virus.*      Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Failed to clean virus file.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Inflex scan report.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*InterScan NT Alert.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MMS Notification.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*MailSure Virus Alert.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Ochrona antywirusowa.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*! Virus Notify !.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*SAV detected a violation in a.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*VIRUS NO SEU EMAIL.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Check Alert.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Notification from Redstone.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus Quarantine Notification.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Virus in Ihrer Nachricht.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Votre message contient un virus.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Warning.*: E-mail viruses detected.*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WorldSecure Server notification.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\[SmartFilter\] Virus Alert.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*\[Virus detected\].*  Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus trouve dans le message envoye.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*virus trovato in un messaggio inviato.*       Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*EMAIL-ABSENDER ACHTUNG! VIRUS in versendeter Email gefunden!.*        Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*tipo de arquivo anexo proibido encontrado em mensagem enviada.*       Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*In einer E-Mail wurde ein Virus gefunden.*    Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*A virus was detected in.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*A mail you send contained a virus.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Violazione di contenuto.*     Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*WARNING. You tried to send a potential virus or unauthorised code.*   Virus-Subject: 
 bogus antivirus
.*Violacao de Conteudo.*        Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*Mail with blocked attachmenttype found in Mail with subject.* Virus-Subject:  bogus 
.*Virus found in a message you sent.*   Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*! PELIGRO ! - Virus encontrado en el correo.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*! WARNING ! - Virus.* Virus-Subject:  bogus antivirus
.*ravmd.*       Virus-X-Mailer: bogus antivirus
.*was_infected.*        Virus-X-ELTE-VirusStatus:       bogus antivirus
.*Sophos antivirus plugin.*     Virus-X-Auto-Generated: bogus antivirus
.*NetMail AntiVirus Agent.*     Virus-X-Sender: bogus antivirus
.*Symantec Antivirus Scan - Virus found.*       Virus-X-Scanned:        bogus antivirus
.*Found to be infected.*        Virus-X-MailScanner:    bogus antivirus
.*Repaired.*    Virus-X-Virus-Scan-Result:      bogus antivirus

message/partial.*               Virus-Content-Type:     Message/partial MIME 
attachments blocked by policy
#The following matches Date: headers that are over 100 chars in length
#these are impossible in the wild
.{100,}                 Virus-Date:             MIME Header Buffer Overflow
.{100,}                 Virus-Mime-Version:     MIME Header Buffer Overflow 
.{100,}                 Virus-Resent-Date:      MIME Header Buffer Overflow
#Let's stop that nasty BadTrans virus from uploading your keystrokes...
  Virus-To:       BadTrans Trojan exploit!

# These are examples of prudent defaults to set for most sites.
# Commented out by default

# List improved by Anton Alin-Adrian

# dangerous:
.vbs    0       VBS file
.lnk    0       LNK file
.scr    0       SCR file
.wsh    0       WSH file
.hta    0       HTA file
.pif    0       PIF file
.exe    0       EXE file
.bat    0       BAT file
.com    0       COM file
.js     0       JS file
.chm    0       CHM file
.hlp    0       HLP file
.reg    0       REG file
.shs    0       SHS file
.vbe    0       VBE file
.wsf    0       WSF file

#forbidden fruit
.mp3    0       MP3 file
.mpg    0       MPG file
.mpeg   0       MPEG file
.avi    0       AVI file
.rm     0       RM file
.wav    0       WAV file
.ogg    0       OGG file
.wma    0       WMA file
.asf    0       ASF file
.asx    0       ASX file
.mov    0       MOV QuickTime file
.qt     0       QuickTime file

# ******
# REMEMBER: run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl -g after 
# this file is modified
# ******
# EOF 

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