> What else is happening? I mean you say you have a load average of 25-50 -
> what does top show you? The cause of that load would be waving at you :-)

Well, when it was running 25-50, top showed a buch of perls and sweeps
running, but now that we switched to sophie, the load average stays low.
The problem is that it gets the delay anyway. Everything else seems to be
running fine, and we didn't make any other besides 1) Q-S, 2) Reformime and
after testing a little while 3) Sophie.

How about this....We have noticed that our queue is getting fairly large
(for us). We think that the queue is getting big because we were still
sending notices to sender.  With the new Mime checking, there are a lot of
notices that seem to be going to bad addresses. Same deal with the addresses
Klez makes up.  We totally blew away the queue, because there were very few
messages with a chance of delivery.  The problem cropped up again when the
qmail queue got to about 1000 messages.  Since then, we have disabled sender
notification in the hopes that queue size will drop.  Still, 1000 messages
seems pretty small to start having performance issues.

Trey Nolen


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