Am 03.08.2015 um 17:59 schrieb Karel Gardas:
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Dennis Luehring <> wrote:
> ok - NetBSD 6.5.1 SPARC64 is blasting fast compare to Debian 7.8.0 SPARC64 -
> i installed the complete system (without X) in a few minutes
> Debian needs >1h

I had the same experience with OpenBSD for sparc64, also fast to
install. The problem is that this is due to simplicity and amount of
data/bins to install and not due to fact qemu got miraculously faster
with *bsd sparc64 bins I'm afraid. IIRC mu compile nbench2 benchmark
reveals +- the same performance on sparc64/openbsd and on
sparc64/sparc32-userland debian.

need to check the installation size - but NetBSD was "full install (without x)" and
debian was just "basic system utilities"

NetBSD comes with gcc with this installtion type, debian not

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