I use -net nic,model=i82551 -net user for OpenBSD, perhaps this will also work for you? This is for Qemu 2.2.0 and whole command line looks: /opt/qemu-2.2.0/bin/qemu-system-sparc64 -hda openbsd_sparc64.img -m 1024 -nographic -net nic,model=i82551 -net user
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Dennis Luehring <dl.so...@gmx.net> wrote: > Am 06.08.2015 um 11:21 schrieb Dennis Luehring: >> >> if NetBSD is fast in qemu and if it provides sparc64 user-land, >> >perhaps also its GCC is sparc64 binary and if so > > > according to the docs its pure SPARC64 kernel and userland (no exceptions)