Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> The `unicode()` call doesn't fail here but the ``print`` because printing
> unicode strings means they have to be encoded into a byte string again.
> And whatever encoding the target of the print (your console) uses, it
> does not contain the unicode character u'\xd8'.  From the traceback it
> seems your terminal uses `cp437` as encoding.
> As you can see here: there's no Ø
> in that character set.

somethings are much, much, clearer to me now. thanks!

For future reference, these links may also help:

I've changed my windows console copdepage to latin1 and the following
prints are now outputting "França", as expected:
print unicode("Fran\x87a", "cp850").encode("iso-8859-1")
print unicode("Fran\xe7a", "iso-8859-1").encode("iso-8859-1")

However, I don't yet fully understand what's happening with Pymssql.
The encoding I expected to be receiving from MSSqlServer was cp850 (the
column in question uses the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CS_AS),
but it doesn't seem to be what the query is returning. I tried
converting to a unicode string from a few different encodings, but none
of them seems to be the right one. For example, for cp850, using a
latin1 console:

term = unicode(row[1], "cp850")
print repr(term)
print term

---- output -------------------------------------------

And for iso-8859-1 (also got the same result for mbcs):
term = unicode(row[1], "iso-8859-1")
print repr(term)
print term

---- output -------------------------------------------

What do you think? Might it be Pymssql doing something wrong?


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