Martin v. Löwis wrote: > Filipe wrote: > > term = row[1] > > print repr(term) > > > > output I got in Pyscripter's interpreter window: > > 'Fran\x87a' > > > > output I got in the command line: > > 'Fran\xd8a' > > > > I'd expect "print" to behave differently according with the console's > > encoding, but does this mean this happens with repr() too? > > repr always generates ASCII bytes. They are not effected by the > console's encoding. If you get different output, it really means > that the values are different (check ord(row[1][4]) to be sure)
They do, in fact, output different values. The value outputed by pyscripter was "135" (x87) while the value outputed in the command line was "216" (xd8). I can't understand why though, because the script being run is precisely the same on both environments. > What is the precise sequence of statements that you used to > set the "row" variable? The complete script follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import locale print getattr(sys.stdout,'encoding',None) print locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] print sys.getdefaultencoding() import pymssql mssqlConnection = pymssql.connect(host='localhost',user='sa',password='password',database='TestDB') cur = mssqlConnection.cursor() query="Select ID, Term from TestTable where ID = 204;" cur.execute(query) row = cur.fetchone() results = [] while row is not None: term = unicode(row[1], "cp850") print ord(row[1][4]) print ord(term[4]) print term results.append(term) row = cur.fetchone() cur.close() mssqlConnection.close() print results ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The values outputed were, in pyscripter: None cp1252 ascii 135 231 França [uFran\xe7a'] and in the command line cp850 cp1252 ascii 216 207 FranÏa [u'Fran\xcfa'] regards, Filipe --