Martin Christensen wrote:
>>>>>>>"Kent" == Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Kent> [Karrigell is GPL'ed] Unfortunately this makes it impossible for
> Kent> me to consider using Karrigell in my work. I recently needed a
> Kent> stand-alone web server for a small in-house project that might
> Kent> possibly be distributed to business partners or become a product
> Kent> some day. I chose CherryPy in part because its license allows
> Kent> this. I would have considered Karrigell if it had a different
> Kent> license.
> None of this really matters, you know. The GPL only requires that you
> share your source code if you _distribute_ your modifications. Since
> you make your modifications exclusively for your own (your company's)
> use, you are not required to share anything. Thus the whole debate is
> pretty much moot if I am not much mistaken.
Did you read anything Kent wrote?

Specifically: "project that might possibly be distributed to business partners
or become a porduct some day."

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


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