On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:44:28 -0700, Matt wrote:

> OK... your post seems to indicate a belief that everyone else is
> somehow incompetent. Sounds a bit like the "I am sane, it is everyone
> else who is crazy" concept. Can you suggest a technology or
> technologist who, in your expert opinion, has gotten it right?

Folks, Xah Lee is a classic Internet troll, and has been polluting this
newsgroup for a long time. Ask yourself, why would anyone rational cross
post criticism of Python to perl, lisp and scheme newsgroups? Does he
perhaps think that the Lisp and Scheme language developers are about to
remove the functional programming features from Lisp and need to be
shown Python as a warning?

He is the equivalent of one of those bored, spoiled teenagers who urinate
on public transport just to see the shocked reactions of other people. You
can't engage him in rational debate. Until we find a way to send electric
shocks through the Internet, all we can do is ignore him. To argue with
him just gives him the sick entertainment he wants.



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