Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>He is the equivalent of one of those bored, spoiled teenagers who urinate
>on public transport just to see the shocked reactions of other people. You
>can't engage him in rational debate. Until we find a way to send electric
>shocks through the Internet, all we can do is ignore him. To argue with
>him just gives him the sick entertainment he wants.
Rational debate?  They urinate on your buses and you worry about 
rational debate?  Call the transit police.  Have them hauled home in a 
paddy wagon to say hello to their parents after a few dozen hours of 
picking up litter and scrubbing bus floors.  We may not be able to do 
anything particularly effective to the morons who light *online* fires; 
but then they are easily ignored when their signal/noise ratio drops to 
nil.  But if you're seeing this kind of behaviour in the real world, for 
criminney's sake, fix it with the judicious use of a billy club upside 
the head.

No society thrives while letting people piss in the common well.
The public transit system is a commons to be protected like any other.
If you see people pissing on your public transit, get scared and fix 
your society.

Entirely off-topic,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


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