We use CPython's implementation of exec and eval.
On 06/21/2016 09:26 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 4:01 AM, Tal Zion <t...@bridge-dev.com> wrote:
Bridge compiles Python modules into native code, which requires us to
support Python *language* features (for, while, class, generators, etc) but
it reuses CPython's libraries (list, dict, str, etc) so we don't implement
those, and it also uses CPython's ast module in order to parse Python code.
So once we are done supporting all of the language features, any Python code
should work. Currently we have quite a few language features to implement,
but we're working on it =) We're targeting Python 3.5.
Okay, so how do you handle exec and eval?