On 06/21/2016 06:10 AM, Tal Zion wrote:
> So how does this magic work? We developed a new compiler platform called 
> Bridge. At the heart of Bridge is the Bridge Extensible Code 
> Representation (BECR). Code in any language is parsed into an AST and is 
> then translated to the BECR. The BECR supports common programming 
> concepts (if, for, while, etc) and it can also be extended to support 
> new concepts in order to ease the translation from the source language. 
> Therefore, the translation from the source language’s AST to the BECR is 
> easy as it**merely translates syntax. Then, Bridge translates the BECR 
> to LLVM IR and from there the code can be compiled to x86, arm, asm.js 
> or any other LLVM backend*. *After code has been translated to BECR, it 
> doesn’t matter what the source language was, and the syntax barriers 
> that stopped languages from working together disappear. This means that 
> once more languages will be translated to the BECR, they will be able to 
> work seamlessly together.

Sounds interesting. Is this demo posted somewhere along with the example
Python code that generated the Android app?

How do you solve the problem of object models differing between
different languages and runtimes?  For example, Python and C++ both can
use multiple inheritance.  Yet Java cannot. How do you bridge across
that?  How do you handle Python's dynamic nature?  How do you handle
conversion between types?

A bridge like this is indeed the holy grail, and I've never seen anyone
do it successfully before. Hence the skepticism expressed by others
already this morning.


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