On 21/06/2016 15:06, Tal Zion wrote:

* Bridge makes Python faster: Python code compiled through Bridge is
compiled to native code. Because we are leveraging LLVM's many
optimizations, Python code will run faster than ever.

In that case forget any of your other claims. Making any Python code faster is useful in itself. But the problems are well-known.

How do you turn:

    a = b + c

into native code for example? (Since this can mean myriad different things, which you will not know until runtime, sometimes not until the line before. And not even then if 'a=b+c' is a run-time argument of 'exec()'.

And one big advantage of Python is being able to try different things and run them instantly. It sounds like you will be using a complicated tool-chain performing a series of transformations, or does that all happen instantly too?



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