On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 1:28:05 PM UTC-5, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn 

> BTW and JFTR, this thread has gone *way* off topic.

Who cares? Python-list is not a "strictly moderated group". So long as the 
discussion is informative, or heck, even entertaining, no crime has been 
committed. Many *WILDLY* diverse topics have been discussed here, and i 
believe, the community is better for it! Sure, places where strict CoC are 
enforced, and "narrow topic paths" are clearly defined, can be beneficial, but 
this list is *NOT* one of them. Every community needs an area where all are 
welcome to participate in an environment where rules and regulations are not 
onerous. While spam is *NEVER* tolerated, "slight flaming" and "limited 
trolling" is. It's too easy to become a totalitarian when you have unlimited 
power to ban. From time to time, every one of us needs to climb down from our 
ivory towers and venture into the "seedy side" of town, if for nothing more, 
that to be reminded of how unrighteous we really are. Have you ever stopped and 
spoken with a homeless person? You'd be surprised how humble, and even highly 
 nt, some of them can be! Diversity *MUST* have a place to exist in every 
community. *EVERY* member deserves an audience. 


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