I dare say I'm with Rick on this point -- keep it up, go learn stuff, put things together and see how they break -- I think it's the best way to get feel for how things fit together and, somewhat inevitably, fall over (when the conditions they were designed in no longer apply).
*quick glance at source* The raw SQL scares me a bit, there is a lot of escaping that you could add to protect from sql injections (at least for mysql, sqlite I'm not sure). And since you want to run this on the Internet I highly recommend putting a mariadb/mysql database behind it. Glancing over the Flash documentation they seem to suggest SQLAlchemy which sounds like a reasonable choice for an ORM. An neat idea I've seen before that was neat was a sematic shorten-er where you could specify the shortened URL to make it easy to remember and reference. A lot of security, aka input sanitation, involved but might be fun -- and who knows it could spark a land rush to claim useful short URLs like wp-a.co/flask-tips. :) Speak up if you need any pointers! Daniel On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Vinicius Mesel <m...@vmesel.com> wrote: > Hey guys, > > I'm a 16 year old Python Programmer that wanted to do something different. > But, like we know, ideas are quite difficult to find. > So I decided to develop a URL Shortener to help the Python community out > and share my coding knowledge, and today the project was launched with its > first stable version. > So if you want to see the software working, go check it out at: > http://wp-a.co/ > Or if you want to see the source code to contribute and help the project: > https://github.com/vmesel/WP-A.CO > > > Hugs, > Vinicius Mesel > Brazilian and Portuguese Speaker > http://www.vmesel.com > > > > -- > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list > -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list