On 15 March 2016 at 20:56, Vinicius Mesel <m...@vmesel.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm a 16 year old Python Programmer that wanted to do something different.
> But, like we know, ideas are quite difficult to find.
> So I decided to develop a URL Shortener to help the Python community out and 
> share my coding knowledge, and today the project was launched with its first 
> stable version.
> So if you want to see the software working, go check it out at: 
> http://wp-a.co/
> Or if you want to see the source code to contribute and help the project: 
> https://github.com/vmesel/WP-A.CO
> Hugs,
> Vinicius Mesel
> Brazilian and Portuguese Speaker
> http://www.vmesel.com
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

This is a great exercise — however, your code is bad. You use string
formatting to create SQL, which leads to SQL injection
vulnerabilities. Please educate yourself on what those mean and how to
avoid that in Python (hint: prepared statements). Also, you should not
commit your sqlite database to git.

That said, an URL shortener can be written in Django in less than an
hour, and it will be even neater.

(PS. the page’s really ugly. Consider using Bootstrap or some other
existing framework if you’re not good at designing pretty things.)
Chris Warrick <https://chriswarrick.com/>

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