Thanks for your reply - that link is very useful, and i have been browsing 
through the various multiplatform editors/ide's (i'm looking for something 
to use on both my Windows machines and my Mac)

There are so many options, just wondering if anyone could recommend an 

I have tried Eclipse with PyDev but i'm getting problems with this on my 
Mac (works nicely on Windows tho!).  I have tried SPE but it kept 
crashing on me on my Mac (maybe this will be fixed in the latest release,
which should go final soon)

Jedit looks quite good, but does it actually let you run your Python code 
from within Jedit, or does it merely provide syntax highlighting etc?


On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Martin Franklin wrote:

> Jon Hewer wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am yet to find a Python IDE (for both Windows and Mac) that I like.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks
> See:=
> For more help
> Thanks
> Martin
> --

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