You know, for several years I was one of those people who simply ignored  
posts like this about Vi/Vim because I happened to come across it once on  
a sparc machine and thought it was ridiculous that I couldn't figure out  
how to type a simple note.   I thought that Vi (Vim) was some kind of  
weird and ancient legacy program that just never caught up with the times.

About 3 or 4 months ago, I had a truly large amount of ascii text editing  
and formatting to do and in a plea for advice, I got the standard cliche  
replies to try "Vim".   Having nothing to lose, I gave it a shot.  It took  
only about two weeks before I was competent, but it was probably the  
greatest time investment I have ever made.   I now use Vim for any text  
editing purpose, and especially python coding.

No doubt, the majority of people who read your post will instantly ignore  
it - but I know from personal experience that it would take a very special  
IDE to compete with Vim for the manipulation of text (GUI design, of  
course, is another story altogether).


On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:57:51 +0200, projecktzero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> VIM or Emacs. I use VIM on Windows, Mac, and VMS. I'd consider it more
> of an editor than an IDE, but there are many IDE features available
> with plug ins.


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