Adriaan Renting wrote:
> vi/vim is a godssend if you need a working system that needs to fit in 4
> Mb or ROM, but it's an editor not an IDE.

> When talking about IDE's I mean a lot more as 'just' an editor, below is
> my 'wishlist', I would be very interested what solutions you use, how
> much time it took you to set up this solution, and which parts of my
> 'wishlist' it implements.

First, a disclaimer: your point of "how much time it took you to set 
up?" is definitely valid.  I would assert that it is also valid to ask 
"how much time did it save you once it was set up to work precisely the 
way you wanted it to?"

> - Integrated help.
> - Code completion.
 > - Integrated debugger.

I've seen (but not used, because I don't want these features) Vim 
scripts to do these.  They exist for Emacs too.

> - Integrated GUI design.
> The IDE should have a graphical tool for designing GUIs, and the editor
> should be aware of it and propagate changes in an inobtrusive way.

Not in Vim (or Emacs), but the best GUI designers /I've/ seen are 
stand-alone anyway.  In other words, their not in an IDE either.

> - Code aware editor.
 > - Integration with version control system.
 > - Code documentation/inspection tools.

I use Vim for these.

> Ability to generate include and inheritance trees

On the rare occasions I do something like this it's with apidoc.

> LOC counters

I use sloccount (outside of Vim).

> profiling what lines of you code get executed most/never

I use a testing framework or profiler for that (outside of Vim)

> helpfile generation from code, etc.

I don't do that, but if I did, it would probably be outside of Vim.

> Tools for communication with coworkers

Gaim and Thunderbird

> bugtracking

Zope collector and Roundup

> which targets need which files, automatic install scripts/tools,
> etc.

(If I understand you correctly) I use a tool we developed internally to 
do this.

> - Accessible user interface.
> All functionality should be accessible through some menu structure, so I
> don't need to depend on my memory. Prefereable reprogrammable/assignable
> shortcut keys for all functionality, maybe even some form of macros,
> plugins, etc.

Vim (and Emacs) does this (there are a few non-menu accessible things, 
but they can be added to menus as you please).

> - For C/C++: 
> memory leak detection

External tools.

> Why  I want this? Because I want to spend my time programming my
> code, not my developement environment.

Why would I spend the time setting this up?  Because I want to spend my 
time programming my code, not fighting my development environment.  :)

I wonder why you would want some of these things integrated into an IDE 
(communication, LOC counter, etc.)
Benji York


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