Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hallöchen! > Calvin Spealman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> The choice is GUI toolkits is largely seperate from >> Python. Consider that they are just bindings to libraries that are >> developed completely seperate of the language. GUI is should be >> seperate from the language, and thus not bound to same >> expectations and desires as elements of the language itself. > I disagree. A modern language must provide a convenient and > well-embedded way to write GUI applications.
I disagree. A modern development environment aimed at developers of desktop applications may be required to provide that; not being a developer of desktop applications, I'm not really qualified to say. A *language* doesn't need to provide that. I'd say that a language providing that would limit the language. Or cause it to branch when it got ported to platforms for which the graphics elements of the language were totally unsuitable. The tools for writing GUI applications belong in a library, not the langauge. > This is not a sign of decadence, but a very good promotional argument. But it's not required for the language to succeed. C and C++ are both doing very well without your a well-embedded way to write GUI applications. However, you can get compilers for both that come bundled with a good GUI library. Could it be that that's what you really want - someone to distribute Python bundled with an enterprise-class GUI library and IDE? > However, in my opinion we don't need yet another binding so thin > that C or C++ is shining through, but a modern replacement for > Tkinter with its Pythonic way of thinking. I don't particularly like Tkinter, but it seems to me that it's pretty much won. It seems to be installed on every desktop platform along with Python. That means that if I want to distribute GUI apps, I'm going to cause the least headache for my end users by writing them in Tkinter. <mike -- Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information. --