On Sunday  7 Jun 2015 12:16 CEST, Mark Lawrence wrote:

> I suggest that you stop asking so many question here. Get your
> cheque book and go for paid support.

First of all: it was not a question: I shared something I thought was
useful. You can disagree about it being useful, but there is in my
opinion no need for this kind of responses.

Giving a ‘solution’ that only does half of my solution is not very
useful. Also giving a solution I rejected/replaced is not useful. You
can disagree with the rejection/replacement, but giving it as an
alternative …

Giving disparaging remarks will not improve the quality of this
newsgroup. You will get rid of my ‘stupid’ questions and shares. But I
found that some of the things that I thought would be of very slight
interest resulted in very interesting discussions. If I and other
people do not post those ‘stupid’ things anymore, we will lose those

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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