Hi All-- Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote: > > Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote: > > Hi, > > > > the arguments in the previous thread were convincing enough, so I made the > > Path class inherit from str/unicode again. >
Thanks. > * the following methods raise NotImplemented: > capitalize, expandtabs, join, splitlines, title, zfill > If path inherits from str or unicode, why not leave these? I can certainly see uses for capitalize(), title() and zfill() when trying to coerce Windows to let me use the case that I put there in the first place;-) What if I wanted to take a (legitimate) directory name 'parking\tlot' and change it to 'parking lot'? > Open issues: > > What about the is* string methods? What about them? What makes you think these wouldn't be useful? Imagine directory names made up of all numbers; wouldn't it be useful to know which directories in a tree of, say, digital camera images, comprise all numbers, all hex numbers, or alpha only? > > What about __contains__ and __getitem__? I find it hard to imagine what would be returned when asking a path for say, path["c:"], other than the index. n=path["c:"] = 0 ? > > What about path * 4? This one makes my brain hurt, I admit;-) Metta, Ivan ---------------------------------------------- Ivan Van Laningham God N Locomotive Works http://www.andi-holmes.com/ http://www.foretec.com/python/workshops/1998-11/proceedings.html Army Signal Corps: Cu Chi, Class of '70 Author: Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list