NickC wrote:
> [Re: how to get at the base class]
> Do you really want to have a "only works for Path" way to get at the
> base class, rather than using the canonical Path.__bases__[0]?
> How about a new property in the os.path module instead? Something like
> os.path.path_type.
> Then os.path.path_type is unicode if and only if
> os.path.supports_unicode_filenames is True. Otherwise,
> os.path.path_type is str.
> Then converting a Path to str or unicode is possible using:
> as_str_or_unicode = os.path.path_type(some_path)
> The other thing is that you can simply make Path inherit from
> os.path.path_type.

That's what I suggested with Path.Base. It has the advantage that you don't have
to import os.path to get at it (Path is meant so that you can avoid os.path).


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