On 05/13/2013 07:30 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 13May2013 19:22, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:
| On 05/13/2013 06:53 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
| >I much prefer the alternative <> for != but some silly people insisted
| >that this be removed from Python3.  Just how stupid can you get?
| So which special methods should the <> operator call?  By rights it
| ought to call both __gt__ and __lt__ and return True if either of
| them is True.

Surely it should require both of them to be true...

Then it would never be true.  At least not for numbers.

Personally I'm for != given we have ==. Aside from notational
consistency it makes conceptual sense for unordered types, which
<> does not really.

That's the point of mentioning __gt__ and __lt__, they aren't available on unordered types.


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