Oops, the generating text part of my reply is referring to your last code 
example. For literal texts, it is is not governed by this proposal, nor are 
expressions within brackets and backslash continued lines. In a word, this 
proposal is fully backward compatible.

>From: Yingjie Lan <lany...@yahoo.com>
>To: Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org>
>Cc: python list <python-list@python.org>; Gabriel AHTUNE <gaht...@gmail.com>; 
>python-ideas <python-id...@python.org>; Matt Joiner <anacro...@gmail.com>
>Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 6:33 PM
>Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] allow line break at operators
>Ambiguity: yes, when the last line of a suite is a continued line, it would 
>require double dedentations to end the line and the suite. I noticed a similar 
>case in current Python language as well:
>if condition:
>for i in range(5):
>else: #double dedentations
>for body in space:
>#double dedentations again
>log('triangulation done')
>If lines can be continued by indentation, similar situation would rise:
>if condition:
>result = [sin(i) for i in range(5)]
>+ [cos(i) for i in range(5)]
>result = [cos(i) for i in range(5)]
>+ [sin(i) for i in range(5)]
>log('triangulation done')
>Generating text example: right, this is a case that can't be handled by 
>standard indentation, unless we only consider full dedentation (dedentation to 
>the exact level of the initial indentation) as the signal of ending the line. 
>Whether to accommodate for such a case might be an issue of debate, but at 
>least we can have such 'freedom' :)
>>From: Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org>
>>To: Yingjie Lan <lany...@yahoo.com>
>>Cc: Gabriel AHTUNE <gaht...@gmail.com>; Matt Joiner <anacro...@gmail.com>; 
>>python-ideas <python-id...@python.org>
>>Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 5:29 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] allow line break at operators
>>Yingjie Lan writes:
>>> Python uses indentation for blocks, and by the same mechanism, line
>>> breaking can be accommodated without requiring parenthesis or
>>> ending backslashes.
>>Possibly, but now you have a problem that a dedent has ambiguous
>>meaning.  It might mean that you're ending a suite, or it might mean
>>you're ending a continued expression.  This probably can be
>>disambiguated, but I don't know how easy that will be to do
>>including in reporting ill-formed programs.
>>> Most people seems to like an indentation on the continuing lines,
>>Most of the time, yes, but sometimes not.  For example, in generating
>>text, it's often useful to dedent substantially so you can have a
>>nearly normal length line in the literal strings being concatenated.
>>Or you might have a pattern like this:
>>    x = long_named_variable_a
>>            - long_named_variable_a_base
>>        + long_named_variable_b
>>            - long_named_variable_b_base
>>which your parser would raise an error on, I presume.  That's not
>>freedom!<wink />

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