Yeah, that might be a challenge for the Python interpreter, for it has to check 
if the next line is indented or not. But it might be worthwhile to take this 
trouble, so that the coder has more freedom, and the code is hopefully better 
to read.

From: Matt Joiner <>
To: Yingjie Lan <>
Cc: "" <>; python-ideas 
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] allow line break at operators

I guess the issue here is that you can't tell if an expression is
complete without checking the indent of the following line. This is
likely not desirable.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Yingjie Lan <> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> =======================================================
> From: Matt Joiner <>
> The "trailing \" workaround is nonobvious. Wrapping in () is noisy and
> already heavily used by other syntactical structures.
> =======================================================
> How about only require indentation
> to freely break lines? Here is an example:
> x = firstpart * secondpart #line breaks here
> + anotherpart #continue by indentation
> + stillanother #continue on.
> #until here, another line starts by dedentation
> y = some_expression - another_one
> All this would be completely compatible with former code, while
> having almost free line breaking! Plus, indentation makes it pretty.
> Really hope Python can have freedom in breaking lines.
> Yingjie

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