Gabriel AHTUNE writes: > So can be done with this syntax: > > > x = firstpart * secondpart + #line breaks here > > anotherpart + #continue > > stillanother #continue on. > > after a "+" operator the line is clearly not finished yet.
Sure, but IIRC one design principle of Python is that the keyword that denotes the syntax should be the first thing on the line, making it easy to scan down the left side of the code to see the syntactic structure. The required indentation of the controlled suite also helps emphasize that keyword. Analogously, if operators are going to denote continuation, they should come first on the line. I just don't think this idea is going anywhere. Explicit continuation with backslash or implicit continuation of parenthesized expressions is just not that heavy a price to pay. Perhaps historically some of these ideas could have been implemented, but now they're just going to confuse a host of editors and code analysis tools. --