Octavian Rasnita schrieb:
From: "Arndt Roger Schneider" <arndt.ro...@addcom.de>

At least keep the disclaimer:
>> Well, tosssing screenshots around doesn't prove wether
>> a framwork/toolkit is good or not;
>> It only displays the developers commitment to create
>> a work of art.

Overall impression:
The software was designed for windows; more or less
following the windows hci-guidelines,
The windows version is resonable good.

This is the most important thing, because most users use Windows. Those who have other preferences are not forced to choose Windows, so it's their choice, and if the interface doesn't look so nice, that's it.

See disclaimer.
Since you mentioned "nice": I do not use such words
to charcterize a gui. I think the developers of said software
tried hard to make it "nice" and "beauty", hence  the brushed
background and group-boxes --BTW: the windows Guidelines also
discourage using group-boxes for usability reasons (see Theo. Mandel
object oriented user interfaces).

Back to rantingrick 21st century toolkit/framwork:
Let's have a look at the numbers:
Worlwide pc market are 300 Million pcs per year,
this number includes desktops(2/3) and servers(1/3).
Your gui app is not relevant on servers.
Quite a good deal of the remaining pc's are sold in
countries with rampant ilict software copies;
Since there are no software cost for these copies

Python is an open source software and the programmers that use Python might also prefer to offer open source software for free so this is not important. And "not legal" is not a very correct term, because somebody from Iran or North Corea must respect the laws from his/her country and in her/his country some things might not be forbidden by law, so it may be perfectly legal.

Nice cropping,
>>the people tend to install the big, bloated software
>pieces from named computer companies
>>--you wont sell linux there, because it is more
>>  expensive than an ilict windows+office++.

Illict as in unlicensed. Law has nothing to do with it.
And yes these unlicensed sofware has an negative
impact on the distribution of free open source software.

I wonder, what license do you use in your own work,
and what do you think about people which violate your license?

~ 100 Million potential new desktop users for you.

Apple's projection for the ipad in 2011 are 65 Million pieces,
iphone and ipod touch will be roughly the same.
130 Million ios pieces.
The android market is still unclear, but I do suppose
it will rival ios, lets say 100 Million in 2011.

~ 100 Million new android users for you.

Microsoft mobile and blueberry are wildcards;
no serious forecast is possible for these devices.
Lets assume:

~ 50 Million blueberry, windows mobile.

Total is: 380 Million potential new user for your application.

wxWidgets: 36000000 LOC, python: 1400000 LOC
--these are very old numbers, but from the same time period.

This is a bad comparison because the programs targetted to the mobile phones are in most cases very different than the programs that need to be used on the desktop.

This is the marketplace for all gui applications,
and not a comparision.

Do you want to say that WxPython is not good just because it doesn't work well on mobile phones?

I do not comment on the quality of either wxWidgets
nor wxPython. Both exist for certain reasons.
The desktop pc was the sole target for all the
big C++ gui class liraries in 1992. Over time a large code
base evolved which makes it very difficult to get these class
libraries into new
markets--such as today with mobile devices.

Those numbers show that only the mobile phones are important, because there are more mobile phones than computers.

No, it doesn't. There are billions of mobile phones with
graphical user interfaces, still these phones weren't
relevant for gui applications.

Well, Python needs a better GUI lib for using them on desktop computers, not on mobile phones.

wxWidgets is suiteable for the desktop.

The desktop pc market is in decline; there is
however a shift toward pc-servers, instead.

What do you mean by declining? Are there fewer desktop PCs today than a year ago?

I am writing about graphical applications not computers.

Looking into wxWidgets:
Interactivity: keyboard focus, shortcuts, function keys,
  active foreground, active background are obsolete.
  hovering tooltips obsolete, status bar to large, obsolete.
  scrolled dialogs, obsolete. OK, Cancel, Retry, Abort
  buttons, obsolete, file dialogs obsolete, old style printing
  obsolete, drag-and-drop obsolete...

Who says that they are obsolete?
A good GUI interface should offer keyboard accessibility. Otherwise it is broken.

OK, I take keyboard focus back.

Summary wxWidgets:
wxWidgets is large scale C++ library from the 20th century,
solemnly dedicated toward desktop computers.

Yes, Python should promote a good GUI lib for desktop computers, and not a poor GUI lib for desktop computers that might also work on other platforms.

wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
of the 21st century.

Why do you think that everything what's modern is better?

"I belive in the horse", Kaiser Wilhelm II

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