I have proposed this before and i shall propose it again. Most of the naysayers parrot off about how many people use Tkinter. Maybe they are right, and maybe they are wrong. Nobody, and i repeat NOBODY even GvR himself can offer reliable evidence as to how important moduleX *is* or *is not* to this community... However i can!
I propose a truly democratic method by which we can gather REAL data about what is important, and what is not important to the average Python programmer. I am not suggesting that this data be an official vote. I am only suggesting that those who walk the halls of "privilege" should listen carefully to the peasants when making decisions that affect the peasants. To make a long story short my proposal is to send out a warning in the next official release of Python. The warning will be as follows... """ ------------------------------- ModuleRemovalWarning: Tkinter ------------------------------- The GUI module "Tkinter" is being considered for removal from the Python stdlib FOREVER. If you use Tkinter and wish for it to stay in the stdlib you need to visit "www.savetkinter.com" and cast your vote now. The voting will end on dd/mm/yyyy so make sure to cast your vote or don't be complaining about it later. Note: Simon Cowell WILL NOT be making a celebrity appearance! """ If i need to create a PEP i will. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list