> I vote for adding the Python package "pubsub" to the Python standard
> library.  It has recently been added to wxpython (replacing the old
> wx.lib.pubsub package), but it has application to non-gui programs as
> well.
> For more information see: <http://pubsub.sourceforge.net/>.

If you are really interested in this the minimum would be following these steps:

1. discuss various publish-subscribe API variants on python-list (aka c.l.p)
2. when you got tons of feedback summarize the discussion on python-dev
3. tons of feedback will follow and try to converge on a consensus
concerning the API
4. write a PEP
5. produce an implementation (or get someone to do it)
6. add the implementation to the PEP
7. lobby for acceptance of the PEP

A good example for the first couple of stages of this process is PEP
3143 concerning adding a daemon package to the stdlib:

I haven't found the beginning of the thread discussing this but you
can start for example here:


Good luck,

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