* alex23:
"Alf P. Steinbach" <al...@start.no> wrote:
Telling someone to "learn to read" is a Steve Holden'sk way to imply that the
person is an ignoramus who hasn't bothered to learn to read.

Ad hominem.

So, you
are misrepresenting  --  again  --  and in a quite revealing way, sorry.

Ad hominem.

Yes, in this group, but only for personal attacks. Such as yours.

Ad hominem.

I think I've shown extreme restraint in the face of bullying from you and some
followers, and calling the insinuations bullshit is quite mild.

Ad hominem.

That is an untrue and extremely misleading description of what you've been 

Ad hominem.

Even if it means getting down to your level (and yes, I did).

Ad hominem.

So the real lesson you're trying to impart is to do as you say and not
as you do?

Well, I don't think any of you guys would hold out as long as I did.

I think it's Not Nice to get personal.

But there's a limit, one can't just ignore punches every day, and you're right, the above from me was ad hominem all the way (well, except that it doesn't concern any technical discussion, and that I'm not injecting noise but responding to such and trying to reduce it in the future, but still).


- Alf


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