"Alf P. Steinbach" <al...@start.no> wrote:
> Telling someone to "learn to read" is a Steve Holden'sk way to imply that the
> person is an ignoramus who hasn't bothered to learn to read.

Ad hominem.

> So, you
> are misrepresenting  --  again  --  and in a quite revealing way, sorry.

Ad hominem.

> Yes, in this group, but only for personal attacks. Such as yours.

Ad hominem.

> I think I've shown extreme restraint in the face of bullying from you and some
> followers, and calling the insinuations bullshit is quite mild.

Ad hominem.

> That is an untrue and extremely misleading description of what you've been 
> doing.

Ad hominem.

> Even if it means getting down to your level (and yes, I did).

Ad hominem.

So the real lesson you're trying to impart is to do as you say and not
as you do?

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