> *Why* on earth do you think using a templating system will give you any less
> control on the generated HTML ?

Because I am wrong. I have already come to that conclusion.

I know that Python is far enough developed that if I feel that I am
fighting it, then _I_ am in the wrong, not Python. However, I still
need to see that Python can do what I need in a comfortable fashion.

>> And if I need to add a variable or three in there?
> - first solution : use string formatting
> python 2.x example:
> unmaintanable_html = """
>  <html>
>  <head>
>    <title>%(title)s</title>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>    <h1>%(h1)s</h1>
>    <p>%(text)s</p>
>  </body>
>  </html>
> """
> data = dict(
>  title="index",
>  h1="Poor man's templating",
>  text="Won't get you very far..."
>  )
> return HttpResponse(unmaintanable_html % data)

That's fine for single variables, but if I need to output a table of
unknown rows?  I assume that return means the end of the script.
Therefore I should shove the whole table into a variable and then copy
that variable to the array "data"?

> - second solution: do basically the same thing with a template system -
> which will give you much more power and options...

I will look further into the Django templates, I promise. But I would
still like to know how to work with Python proper.

>> Static HTML I can
>> do without Python.
> Sorry, I forgot to setup a database etc for this example !-)

I meant that I would like to see how to output variables, which you have shown.

Thanks. I am stubborn, but I am willing to learn.

Dotan Cohen


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